Friday, October 5, 2007

The Tribe. Lordy Lordy.

The Indians' are the darling of baseball right now. First of all, they are clearly a "zero-to-hero" success story, something everyone likes to hear. GM Mark Shapiro, though lambasted through losing seasons in the early 2000's (is that right?), is now revered as God by Tribe Nation. Grady Sizemore, Victor Martinez, Travis Hafner, Casey Blake, Jhonny Peralta, all of the same ilk, are in a position to lead this team into the next series and perhaps a pennant win. These guys have grown up together, learned as a team about the importance of close-knit relationship and a commitment to excellence. With the implementation of veteran Kenny Lofton into the starting lineup (ironically enough a former Yankees player) who provided experience and poise in the second game of the ALDS, going 2-3 with a key walk in the 11th. The young guns: Franklin Gutierrez and Azdrubal Cabrera mainly, have all stepped up, the former providing an important single in the 11th that led to a nice sacrifice by Casey Blake and the finish by Pronk. Lordy Lordy.

I say all this, of course, without recognizing the real stars. Well C.C. and Fausto, here you go.

A toast to you both, especially Fausto for his first playoff start. Three hits, nine innings, keeping the Tribe in the game. If not for these two starters' susceptibility to giving up near-foul ball home-runs early in the game, the Indians pitching staff would be near perfect. Our closer hasn't had to touch the ball, nor has our bullpen (too much, anyway). The young, immature team of 2003-4 has been whittled into the best club in baseball. Lordy lordy.

Second of all, we are beating the Yankees. ARod is 0-28 in his last twenty-eight road AB's. Jeter isn't doing much better. Rivera was shaky. Is. They are headed in a downward spiral, and I don't think the city and its media outlets are going to be able to handle it. I can see the headline after the Indians finish the sweep of the Yuckos.

"City burns stadium, players, managers, owner, police assist, Clinton amused." Lordy Lordy.

For me, this season is a little touching. I remember being nine years old and watching Jose Mesa losing Jaret Wright's lead in the ninth inning of Game 7 in 1997, finally coughing up the winning score on an Edgar Renteria single up the middle. What a dolt. The team hasn't been the same since. There's a real sense in this town that we deserve one. This may be the year. The hurdle is the Red Sox. If we can finish the Yanks, and IF we play well, the Red Sox will be our only obstacle in our quest for our first WS win since '48. Truman was president then. He won the election that year as the underdog; for whatever reason, his political opponent at the time got complacent, refusing to take real stands on anything. He had it in the bag... ah but nay nay. After the votes were tallied, the winner was declared... Dewey? Ah, not so fast. The real results came in, Truman flashed a smile, and went home a winner. This year shouldn't be any different. Dewey is beatable. So is Papi and traitor Manny and Beckett and Varitek and Dice-K. I'll bet Johnny Damon feels pretty salty right now. Do you feel sorry for him? If you do, where is your sympathy?

So let's go Tribe. Win one for those fans who stood on their head during the 90's as our empire crumbled, and as we suffered through the terrible 2000's. "Truman Defeats Dewey" on this one, I think.

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